Thursday, September 13, 2012


What is about to be told is a story of biblical proportions.
In the days of Christ and before, child bearing commonly occurred between the ages of 9 and 12. Time changes things. Today 9-12 is not even considered.
Except. One of the exceptions involves certain states in Mexico.
A 10 year old pregnant girl was admitted to Women's Hospital in Puebla, Mexico on October 22, 2011. She was pregnant and suffering complications from the pregnancy, including seizures. Both mother and prospective child were in danger.
A cesarean was performed on the 10 year old girl on November 11, 2011. A baby boy was born prematurely. Thirty one weeks. Nine weeks too soon. Weighed 3.3 pounds. Following his birth, the baby suffered from pneumonia and other complications from premature birth. The child was placed in an Intensive Care Unit.
The mother was discharged a few days after the cesarean delivery.
The 10 year old mother was not a resident of Mexico. What she was doing in Puebla I have not been able to ascertain. Her home was just outside San Francisco.
The young mother made daily visits to her child. To breast feed the baby.
The authorities are nor certain how the 10 year old got pregnant. They suspect rape. The legal age of consent for a female in Mexico is 12. Rape it is regardless of how it occurred.
Puebla is pro life. Without question. It is illegal to terminate a pregnancy, unless the mother was the victim of a sexual assault. The possibility of an abortion was never relayed to the 10 year old or her parents. Nor was any investigation conducted by authorities prior to delivery to determine if the girl had been raped.
Life is legally defined in Puebla as "...from the moment of conception to natural death."
A little digging revealed that youthful girls becoming pregnant and giving birth is not uncommon in Mexico. A problem in and of itself. After birth, there was no support system in place to assist the very young mother and her infant child. Resulting in the probability an already bad situation becoming worse.
My concerns are several fold.
If there ever was the need for an abortion, this was it. Forget religion, forget politics, forget everything but the mother and child.
In the almost three weeks between the girl's admission and delivery, why was there a failure to advise the 10 year old and her parents of the legality of abortion in the event of a sexual assault?
What happened to adoption? Back in the 1960s when I started practicing law, births outside of wedlock occurred. Abortion was illegal. Adoption was the answer. There apparently was no pre birth adoption counseling. Following the birth, none was possible. The mother and child bonded almost instantaneously when breast feeding commenced and continued on a daily basis.
I searched and searched and could find nothing concerning the mother and child since the birth announcement in November. I assume both are residing with the 10 year old's parents outside San Francisco. The mother and/or child could end up on welfare. The taxpayers of California will support the child.
What of the 10 year old mother's health and mental condition?
Studies indicate that a mother under the age of 16 has a four times greater possibility of dying during child birth. The mother should never have been subjected to the danger. Fortunately, she did not die.
What of her mental well being. Studies suggest the 10 year old mother will have serious mental problems, including depression, as time goes on.
This 10 year old's problem was bungled before and after delivery.
Society should neither support nor encourage a 10 year old to continue carrying. Abortion was the answer. As a trained lawyer, I know that no law is without exception. Religion and politics should step aside in such a situation and permit/proceed with an abortion as soon as possible.
If the government involved is adamant and will not permit abortion, then a structure should be in place to advise adoption. One is definitely needed in Mexico where pregnancies involving the young are not uncommon.
If birth occurs, support systems should be in place to help guide the mother and child.
Abortion is not black and white. Though many perceive it that way. As indicated earlier, there should be exceptions. A pregnant 10 year old cries out for exception.
The proof of the pudding is where and in what condition the mother and child will be twenty years from now. I wish them both well. I do not know.

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