Friday, November 27, 2015


Syria has opened the door to  a serious discussion of Muslim immigration. Whether the United States should accept any of the Muslims who have escaped Syria.

Those opposed are fearful of terrorists being able to easily sneak into the U.S. disguised as immigrants. A valid concern. However, not the real problem.

Republicans and some Democrats are using the terrorist argument to adopt more stringent vetting laws. Such persons fail to realize that the vetting process already in place works well.

A vetting process that takes 1.5 to 2 years.  As regards the thousands of immigrants granted entry in recent years, only three turned out to be terrorists.

Typical of political leaders the past quarter century, the blind cannot see. They have failed and continue to fail to see what would occur if a large number of Muslim immigrants were permitted entry.

I do not believe that Congress pays close attention to what is going on in the world. Congress fails to understand or take the time to understand the niitty gritty of most issues.

Xenophobia is the intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries. Islam phobia is the dislike/fear of Muslims.

I am guilty of both phobias. Except, my xenophobia is not irrational.

The ultimate goal of Islam is world domination. A step at a time. Immigrate to countries. Join each other in living in specific neighborhoods. Keep local authority out. Rule yourselves. Apply Sharia law. The ultimate goal over a long period of time being to take control of host countries. One by one.

Conversion a part of the program. Convert Christians to Islam. If they refuse, kill them. The same as ISIS is doing to Christians in the Middle East. Jews kill outright. They should not be provided the conversion option.

Muslims who settle in another country want their Muslim culture and customs adopted. They do not want to assimilate. The Koran prohibits it. Conversion the key and not assimilation.

Keep in mind the goal is world domination.

Muslim immigrants want to live as they have in their previous homeland as regards the Koran. Things like child marriage, lashings, stonings, honor killings of women, anti-Semitism, special rights for Muslim workers, demand that Sharia law be substituted for existing civil law, and more.

Muslim experiences in European countries provide clear definitive proof.

Britain already has in excess of 85 Sharia courts. Britain gave in to Muslim demands in this regard. Britain also has no-go zones across the country. Areas too dangerous for non Muslims to enter. These no go zones are microstates in effect ruled under Sharia law, the Muslims having rejected Britain's legal system.

There is a campaign to turn 12 British cities into independent Islamic states. The cities include Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Londonistan.

There are Tower Hamlets in East London. They are referred to by Muslims as Tower Hamlets Taliban. The Muslims control the Hamlets. They issue death threats to unveiled women and attack gays. Leaflets are distributed: "You are in a Sharia controlled zone". Islamic rules enforced."

John Reid, Britain's Home Secretary, visited East London. He was challenged by a leading Islamist: "How dare you come to a Muslim area?"

Britain made a grave error when Muslims started showing up in numbers. They acceded to what was demanded. They protected what they viewed as the rights of Islamists. Britain tried to be the good guy, the fair one. To Britain's detriment. Now it is thought to be too late to do anything about the problem.

France is in the news big time these days. No wonder. France has the largest Muslim population in Europe. Six and a half million. The French Muslim population has reached the point where it wants a parallel Muslim society with the French. A parallel society ruled by Sharia law.

The Muslims have created neighborhoods/zones that they control. To the exclusion of those of other faiths and the French government. They are called Sensitive Urban Zones (ZUS). There are 751 such zones in France.

Disturbances a nightly thing. Burning of cars, blocked streets and sidewalks for Friday prayers, mosques broadcasting sermons and chants via street loudspeakers, etc. 

The activities are downplayed in the French media. The reason being the press does not want to be accused of racism or Islamophobia. Local authorities do nothing. They do not want to confront what is in actuality an occupation of their cities. Tanks and soldiers would be required.

The Dutch government reports 40 no-go zones exist in the Netherlands. Twenty percent of the population is Muslim.

Police send two patrol cars on calls. Each to protect the other. Hostile Muslims throw rocks at the police cars. The police do nothing. They are so ordered.

During the Islamic month of Ramadan, the police were ordered by their superiors not to drink coffee or eat in public places for fear of offending the Muslims.

Sweden is considered by the Muslims as ".....the best Islamic state."

The City of Malmo has a 25 percent Muslim population. Whole patches of the city are no-go zones. In Malmo and Gothenberg, Muslim teenagers burn cars, attack emergency services, throw stones at patrolling officers, and temporarily blind police officers with green lasers.

Germany is no different. The same problems as Britain, France, the Netherlands and Sweden. Such being the case, I can not understand why Merkel wants to accept a million more Muslim refugees.

Germany is confronted with zone type neighborhoods. Intimidation and violence common place. Muslims push all infidels whose secular values are different form theirs out. The Muslims in many instances refuse public services such as police, firefighters and ambulances. Stones, bottles and bullets meet any public service entity seeking admission.

The result is the German zones are war zones. The government has retreated. Germany's Chief Police Commissioner Bernhard Witthaut said, "The power of the state is completely out of the picture."

Italy is not yet as bad as the previous countries mentioned. The process is underway, however.

The Muslims have commandeered Rome's Piazza Venegia for public prayers. In Bologna, Islamists repeatedly threaten to bomb San Petronio Cathedral. The Cathedral contains a fresco which depicts the prophet Mohamed being tormented in hell.

The proof of the pudding is what has been represented. Muslim immigrants want to create parallel societies. They want to remain segregated from other people in the host nation. Integration is not an option for them. 

Islamic scholar Robert Spencer said it best. He believes what Islamic supremacists want is not merely a place at the table--equal rights under the law as previous minority groups have sought in civil rights movements....they want their own table, utterly distinct from the man made laws of infidels.

 We are the infidels.

The U.S. is beset with enough of its own internal problems. There is no need to foist another on top of it all by accepting Muslim immigrants. They do not want our way of life. 

Previous immigrants came and learned to be Americans. They wanted to be Americans. The Italians, Irish, Poles, Germans, and more recently the Bosnians.

My position a simple one. If you do not like us or want to be like us, do not come here. Stay where ever you are or somewhere else in the world. We betray ourselves and our heritage if we take any number of them in.

I can see the uproar my words will cause with some. Anti-religious the cry. Lacking in charity. Un-American. I do not buy it. Primary importance is to preserve our way of life for ourselves, our children and grandchildren.

Two closing observations.

The Middle East countries of affluence such as Saudi Arabia have refused to take any of the Syrian immigrants in. The immigrants are their people. Such says something.

The American media has failed to inform us of much which is contained herein. Why? Another example of the press' failure to keep us advised. It is referred to as selective news reporting.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Sex has been part and parcel of man's existence since Adam and Eve. It has influenced decisions, made some happy, others unhappy. Whatever, sex in some form permeated yesterday's society and continues to so today.
I am taking you on a trip back in time. Some of the stories will shock/revolt you. Some you will take in stride.
Julius Caesar was a known ladies' man. Besides his wife, he had Cleopatra. He also had a mistress for twenty years in Rome. His mistress while he was married.
Recall "Et te, Brute." Shakespeare's words attributed to Caesar when he observed Brutus plunging a knife into him.
Most think the reason for Brutus turning on his friend Caesar was the good of Rome. There was more involved.
Caesar's twenty year mistress was Servilia Caepionis. Brutus' mother.
Caesar was very fond of Servilia. Over twenty years however, his love waned. To keep Caesar close, Servilia offered her youngest daughter Tertia to him. Caesar declined.
The worm turned. Servilia was upset that Caesar had abandoned her and refused the offer of her daughter. She had to get even.
Servilia became a driving force in the plot to assassinate Caesar. She convinced Brutus, who loved Caesar, that for the good of Rome, Caesar had to die. Servilia was  a woman scorned and in the end got her revenge.
Christopher Columbus is revered in history for having discovered America. He is always portrayed as a good man. He was not.
Columbus sold nine and ten year old girls into sexual slavery. Young girls from the New World. His own diary speaks of the sales. Columbus writes ".....there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten are now in demand." In demand in the islands and back home in Europe.
Columbus also engaged in the slave trade. Immediately. In his own words "Let us in the name of the Holy Trinity go on sending all the slaves that can be sold."
Spain's King and Queen were happy. They benefited big time from the wealth and slaves Columbus transported to them.
Genocide was part of Columbus' make up. The natives of the islands. Haiti for example went from 250,000 to 50,000 people during Columbus' time.
Columbus' crew would cut off the legs of children to determine how sharp their swords were. They also waged among themselves to see who could cut a live person in half the fastest.
Unfathomable cruelty during Columbus' time. Death, rape and slavery.
The early colonists in the new world had zero tolerance for bestiality. A crime against nature not accepted under any circumstance.
There was a lot of bestiality.
The anti-bestiality basis was not a moral one necessarily. It had to do with the animal giving birth to a monster. The monster being a deformed fetus. It was feared the monster would become alive and be a danger to the populace.
Such went on in New England during the 1600s and 1700s.
Conviction of the man resulted in both the man and animal being burned at the stake. If a woman was involved, the woman and animal were hung from a gallows next to each other and burned. The time is described by historians as the "other" witch hunt.
Pigs were popular. Persons during that time thought a pig's ass was as lovely as a human one. The man was in trouble if the pig delivered a deformed fetus thereafter. The monster thing. Sheep and donkeys were popular also.
Ben Franklin is described as one of the Fathers of our country. Historians say he may very well have been. Unmarried. His sexual prowess till the day he died put most men to shame.
Franklin in his earlier years especially liked older women. He would recommend them to his friends. His reasons included they were knowledgeable and therefore good conversationalist. There was no need for safe sex as the women had already experienced menopause. Older women were more grateful since they did not have sex that often. He also was of the opinion that the sin was less. Older women had already had sex and this lessened the Lord's displeasure.
Franklin was a steady customer at the brothels. Almost nightly. He loved harlots. He was a member of a sex club. There was no Internet to meet people in those days. Sex was as popular then as now. They were "gentlemen's clubs."
Franklin's club was the Brotherhood of St. Francis of Wycombe. Popularly referred to as The Hellfire Club. The club met two times a month and for one week in the summer. The menu consisted of orgies, rituals, wrenching and drinking.
Franklin was a printer early in life. He is known to have had the largest collection of print porno-sets.
Even the Papacy was involved in debauchery. The Church was not always good. Popes sometimes bad.
Alexander VI was one of the bad ones. He was a Borgia. Corrupt. Loved women. He had a number of mistresses, some of whom he married. He fathered 12 children while Pope.
Alexander's sexual exploits were open. Everyone knew. Everyone could see. He was a known pervert.. He even had sex with one of his daughters.
His best remembered sexual event was the Banquet of Chestnuts in 1501. Alexander invited fifty of the most beautiful prostitutes to a party. They were ordered to disrobe. Candles had been placed on the floor. The better to see. Chestnuts were strewn on the floor among the candles.
The naked ladies were required to pick up the chestnuts with their mouths. Alexander and his guests were rewarded with female charms exposed in every possible way.
Betsy Ross. She made the first American flag. Sorry. Such is doubted. Extremely so.
Betsy was not a seamstress. She was an upholsterer. She never met George Washington.
No one spoke of or knew of Betsy as the woman who purportedly sewed the first American flag till 1876. The U.S. hundred year Centennial was being planned. Someone somehow said Betsy Ross made the first flag. No one before had ever uttered such. Her name came up out of nowhere.
The Centennial was a huge success. Betsy's popularity exploded. So much so that she is in the history books and has become part of the fabric of American history.
Betsy was helpful during the Revolution in a different fashion. Recall the Battle of Trenton. Washington crossing the Delaware in the dead of night and surprising the Hessian troops. A major American victory.
Betsy was partially responsible.
Colonel Carl von Donop was head of the Hessian forces. He was to lead reinforcements to Trenton. He and Betsy were in bed. The Colonel was having so much fun that he decided to spend the night and lead the troops to Trenton the next morning.
Had the reinforcements left when scheduled, they would have been at Trenton before Washington. Washington would probably have lost the battle.
Betsy had in her employ other young ladies. Upholsterers of sorts. Rather than dress, they undressed. They were prostitutes. Betsy was running a house of ill repute out of her store.
The ladies were a huge help to the Colonial cause. They bedded down with British and Hessian soldiers. When they picked up some information that might be helpful, they would report it to Betsy. Betsy in turn would see that the information got to Colonial troops.
There are many instances of sex intentionally or unintentionally playing a part in history. Why not. Sex is one of man's greatest drives. The record is long. The few shared here evidence of such.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Dracula in the operating room.

Dracula is the United States government. The operating room is the college student loan program.

A college education today is a costly thing. It has been for the last 30 years. Becoming increasingly more expensive each year. There was a time a young person eager for a college degree could work his/her way through school. A decent summer job and two to four part time jobs while in school. One or two small scholarships along the way helped.

I know. I and many like me did it. Of course back in 1953-57 when I was in college, the cost of room, board and tuition was $2,400 a year. A lot of money at the time. However, no where near the dollars involved today. A gallon of gasoline was 17 cents and a loaf of bread 10 cents.

The cost today of a higher education degree has gone through the roof. The cost of one year at a private college is $50,000 to $60,000 for room, board and tuition. The cost at a public university between $20,000 and $35,000 for room, board and tuition.

Public institutions of higher learning are obviously cheaper. Eighty percent of all American students attend publicly funded universities and colleges. The reason being that such schools are cheaper to attend.

As States have become squeezed economically, public assistance budgets have been cut dramatically. State schools receive less and less assistance each year. Public institutions have had no choice but to raise room, board and tuition charges. Administrators compelled to order increases across the board.

The federal government came to the rescue. A college student loan program. Every one could then afford to go to college. Borrow now and pay later.

Later became a problem. An unforeseeable one initially. A well known one today. Young people cannot afford to pay back the loans. The job market is down. Salaries for those college grads working much lower than anticipated. The where with all to pay non-existent.

The college student loan debt today is $1.1 trillion. Impressive. Any thing with a trillion dollars at the end is. Note that the U.S. debt to China is $1.3 trillion. The comparison made to show how extremely large the student loan debt has become. I read some where that it is even larger than all the credit card debt in the United States.

It has been recently discovered that the government gets a piece of the pay back dollars. A fee of some kind. There is a new statute in the works to help the student debtors. However, it will not eliminate the government receiving a piece of the action.

The government profited in 2012 $44 billion. In 2013, a bit of a slide. Only $41.3 billion. 

Two corporations world wide made more profit in recent years. In 2012, Exxon Mobile profited $44.9 billion and Apple $41.7 billion.

If the government's profit in either of the two years mentioned were to be paid out in Pell grants, maximum level payments of $5,645 would be paid to 7.3 million college students.

The government denies a profit is involved. It claims the accounting makes it appear to be a profit. I do not buy it, nor do many others. The $40 billion plus profit goes from a federal college loan fund account into the general fund. From the general fund, it is used to pay all sort of government bills. The government is running a for profit business which subsidizes other government activities.

It gets worse.

Federal legislation prevents a college student loan debt from being discharged in bankruptcy. A tough situation for the college graduate who cannot find a decent paying job in today's society.

The government hires bill collectors. The government is under the impression that 76 to 84 cents will be recovered by pursuing those who have not or are not any longer paying. Good luck! The government will be lucky to recover 25 cents on the dollar.

The government has retained collection firms to pursue college loan debtors. They are referred to as collection specialists. One is NCO Group Inc. NCO is owned by JP Morgan. The same JP Morgan who helped give us the 2008 mortgage debacle and recession for several years.

The college student loan program is another example of how government takes care of its people when the weight of the economy causes them to  bend over. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015


I am sick and tired of hearing Social Security is broken, that it cannot sustain itself. Lies upon lies.
The American public is not being told the truth by its political leaders. Assuming they know or understand the facts. The media is silent, except to assist in spreading the fear of a broken system.
The first time I publicly heard an impropriety in the handling of Social Security was in the last Republican debate. Mike Huckabee asked in effect at one point…..What about the embezzlement of Social Security Trust funds? I may be incorrect as to the use of the word embezzlement. However, such was the thrust of his inquiry.
I have hit on the issue in the past. My TV show several years ago. A written article three years ago. Occasionally in my daily blog.
The national debt of the United States is the amount owed by the federal government of the United States. It consists of two parts; Intergovernmental debt and public debt.
Intergovernmental debt is monies the federal government has borrowed from the surplus funds of various U.S. agencies. Two hundred thirty agencies to be exact.
Treasury securities given in exchange for the surplus funds are non-marketable. They are in effect IOUs whereby the federal government promises to repay the monies borrowed including interest based on the “full faith and credit” of the United States. Useless collateral. It is nothing an agency can take to a bank and borrow on. It is even questionable whether an agency could sue in a court of law.
Public debt represents monies owed to foreign governments, investors, the Federal Reserve, state and local governments. U.S. Treasury bonds in most instances form the basis of the U.S.’s obligation. The debt can be pursued legally.
The present debt of the U.S. is $18 trillion. It is estimated that by the end of 2016, it will be $22 trillion. The intergovernmental portion of the debt totals $5.1 trillion. Social Security is owed $2.7 trillion of that amount.
$18 trillion is unfathomable. Hard to comprehend how much money it is. I came across two examples. If you were to take $1,000 bills and stack them one upon the other, the stack would be 65 miles tall before $1 trillion was reached.
Another way described is that a trillion dollars is enough money to buy every person in the United States, Canada and Mexico a new car.
The intergovernmental debt is just under 30 percent of the national debt.
It is the intergovernmental portion that is the subject matter of this article.
Here is how the federal government borrows the money. Most federal agencies finish the fiscal year with a balance. Can’t have that. The government immediately borrows the surplus. Never pays it back.
Since 1987, the federal government has borrowed $2.7 trillion from the Social Security Trust Funds. The money representing surplus/non used deposits. The federal government keeps borrowing and never pays it back.
Presidents and Congress then cry out how Social Security is breaking the back of the economy, is broken, cannot sustain itself, etc. What to do? Cut Social Security benefits, raise the eligibility age, eliminate Social Security, etc.
Not one penny has ever been paid back to Social Security since the taking began in 1987. Whores one and all who participate in this scheme that steals our dollars from Social Security.
The intergovernmental debt is in-house debt. It is like you and I invading our child’s college savings if the family has a cash flow problem. It is similar to a person borrowing from pension savings if crisis has befallen a home. It is the family’s money. If not paid back, so be it.
Although the federal government’s taking from Social Security is like family borrowing, it is not in a real sense. The U.S. may be my country. It is not my family.
Most of what I say concerning Social Security likewise applies to the 229 other agencies that the federal government borrows surplus monies from and never pays it back.
None of the 230 agencies has ever pursued the federal government for repayment. Nor would they. It would never occur. A fact of life.
Such being the case, the national debt in reality is not $18 trillion. It is as a practical matter $12-13 trillion. A large number, but one substantially less than the $18 trillion being bandied about. The accounting system used labels it a debt. A different system might not.
How did we get in this position? It starts with Ronald Reagan. Reagan told the people that if elected, he would cut taxes by 30 percent over 3 years. He claimed that in the end the cut would result in more revenue than before the rate cut. It did not work. Reagan had an embarrassing crisis on his hands. He did not want to admit his tax plan failed. He needed a new source of revenue.
The solution was to raise payroll taxes. The people were told it was to strengthen Social Security. A crock. Reagan wanted to use the surplus revenue generated thereby to show his tax plan worked. Taking the surplus funds was a subterfuge. The plan brilliant, however.
Reagan and his advisers were of the opinion that the money being borrowed would not be needed to make Social Security payments for 30 or more years. Let future Presidents worry about it.
The surplus funds borrowed went into the federal government’s general fund. Future administrations spent as desired. Primarily to pay for wars and further tax cuts. Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2 continued to raid Social Security. Obama is no different.
Obama and Bush 2 raised the national debt big time.
In Obama’s six years, the debt grew $6.1 trillion. A 53 percent increase over what it was when he took office. Monies used primarily to save the economy from the 2008 mortgage crisis and to fund wars.
Bush 2 gave us the second largest increase. $5.8 trillion. Bush 2 doubled the debt in 8 years. He gave us a tax cut and a war.
One last misunderstanding requiring correction. We are told China is the largest creditor of the United States. Not true. China is owed $1.3 trillion. Social Security is the largest creditor. Owed $2.7 trillion.
What more can I say? Digest my words. Social Security is and has been solvent. Surplus most years. It is self sustainable. However, the federal government has been taking and must now start paying back. The fiddler has to be paid at some point.
Several economists have suggested that the government could pay back Social Security over a 30 year period without much difficulty. There has to be a will to do such before there can be a way. Recent administrations have had no such interest.