Sunday, July 28, 2013


Michael Moore is a leading American liberal. In the forefront of the fight to help the poor. He was an integral part of Occupy Wall Street, has picketed the White House, written books and created documentaries supporting the cause of the poor. It was recently reported that his net worth was $50 million.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are likewise fighters for the poor and downtrodden. Their net worths respectively are $5 million and $10 million.

Detroit was once America's city on the hill. A successful and popular community. This past week Detroit filed for bankruptcy. The first major United States city to do do.

Infrastructure has been dramatically neglected in last 15-20 years. Money has been desperately needed by cities. To repair bridges, streets and schools for example. The necessary monies have been denied primarily by Republicans. The same group which led us into two unnecessary and expensive ten year wars.

The Travon Martin case has consumed the media in recent months. Martin was black. Zimmerman an Hispanic. Prior to Martin's death, Hispanics were grouped with Blacks. Latinos, Hispanics and Blacks were all considered persons of color.

The media labeled Zimmerman a white Hispanic. Never before had an Hispanic referred to as white.

The United States is the only major industrial nation without government provided/paid for medical coverage. Obama was successful in having a program passed. The Republicans keep fighting it. They want the Obamacare law rescinded/repealed. The United States House of Representatives has voted close to forty times to repeal the law. The House of Representatives is Republican controlled.

Many on the Republican right believe government mandated medical assistance is not required. Churches and neighbors will step in and assist those who are ill.

Banks placed the United States economy in serious danger. Their actions culminated in the recession which began in 2008. The United States bailed out the banks. The government did not bail out the millions who lost and are losing their homes as a result of mortgage foreclosures.

Bank of America was a primary culprit in the bank wrong doing which led to the recession. It was recently reported that Bank of  America stock almost doubled in the past 12 months. It was also reported that United States banks have been flooded with profits this past year. The net profit of the six largest banks for the second quarter was $23 billion. Up 40 per cent for the same period from the previous year. Overall profits for the past 12 months totaled $70 billion. 

Banks are clearly making money.

In the meantime, banks are not lending money on any significant basis. They invest among themselves and in safe markets. Their profits increase dramatically while middle America can neither borrow nor get out from under mortgage foreclosures.

American banks have been determined to be too big to fail and too big to prosecute. So says the United States government. Their wrongdoing has gone unpunished.

Halliburton is a major international corporation. They are into everything from oil drilling to providing services to the military in war zones to corporate farming to whatever. They have the capacity to rule the world.

Halliburton was a player in the Gulf Spill. The largest oil leak/spillage in history. Halliburton recently plead guilty to destroying evidence in the spill investigation. Halliburton plead guilty to one misdemeanor for its wrongdoing, was fined $200,000, and placed on three years probation. Halliburton also agreed to contribute $55 million to the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation. A tax deductible gift.

The United States Department of Justice announced it would not pursue any further criminal prosecution of Halliburton.

The Christian right exerts great influence in the United States. With a large segment of the population and in the halls of Congress.They come out with new programs on a consistent basis. The most recent of interest is by a religious right organization known as the Family Research Council. The group wants to eliminate pornography on college campuses. They are fighting to rid dormitories of porn.

The Council claims abstinence is the ultimate solution to the problem. The hormonal one.

Pat Robertson is a prominent religious who is a leader in the Republican right. Many  thoughts emanate from him. They ultimately become policy. One involves the role of men and women. Robertson said the following is ".....painful for ladies to hear.....if you get married, you have accepted the headship of a man, your husband is the head of the wife, and that is the way it is, period."

Fifty per cent of the American public subscribe to one or more of the anti positions. They are against Obamacare, porn on campus, and women's rights.

The pending New York City mayoral election has candidates of a different bent running for office. Immorality appears to be a necessary ingredient in a political candidate. 

Anthony Weiner wants to be Mayor. He resigned his Congressional seat in 2011 when it was discovered he was Tweeting pictures of his privates over the internet. He claimed he saw the error of his ways and corrected himself. Now it comes out he continued to so Tweet even after having been caught, resigned, and promised to sin no more.

Eliot Spritzer is a former Governor of New York State. He resigned after he was discovered doing business with a prostitute. With his socks on, which I found an interesting quirk. He now says that is all behind him and he wants to be Comptroller of the City of New York.

Weiner is a leading candidate for the Democratic nomination. The primary is soon. The winner will in all likelihood be Mayor of New York. Spritzer appears to be a shoo in for Comptroller. 

Twenty five years ago, it would have been difficult for either of them to win. Let alone run.

Americans have made a turn about when it comes to morality and candidates who are a bit tarnished. Americans may hate the sin, but love the sinner. A forgiving nation.

Monday, July 22, 2013


Germany has a propensity for coming up with ideas which appear brilliant on the surface. Ideas which will benefit Germany. Ideas that  supposedly will benefit others they intend to do business with. Everyone eats!
In the final analysis, only Germany benefits. Only Germany eats.
The perfect example is the euro union which Germany was an instrumental party in conceiving and selling to fellow European nations. Each nation would be better off economically.
It did not work that way. Germany benefited/benefits big time to the detriment of other countries. Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Cyprus being prime examples.
Germany came up with another plan which was to work to the benefit of a certain group. Prostitutes.
Germany adopted a law in 2002 which legalized prostitution. A simple one page law. Its purpose was to      de-stigmatize prostitution. The ladies henceforth would be considered employees as in all other occupations. They were to have contractual rights with their pimps, the right to pension benefits and medical insurance, the right to unionize.
Prostitution was henceforth to be viewed as a voluntary occupational choice. The selling/rental of a woman's body was no longer to be considered immoral.
The world's oldest profession had come a long way. St. Augustine considered prostitution immoral and wrong. However, he viewed it as a necessary evil. Hundreds of years later, Germany gave it dignity.
What was the thinking behind the new German law? Was it really the welfare and dignity of the women involved? Or, was there more?
All of the above and perhaps more. Prostitution as a legal occupation became subject to taxation. Taxed nationally by Germany's federal government. Taxed additionally by Germany's municipalities. Pursuant to the law, the municipalities had the responsibility of overseeing the prostitution business.
Prior to the 2002 law, there were 100,00 prostitutes in Germany. Three years after its adoption, there were 200,000. Today, there are 400,000.
Competition became keen. Young ladies flocked to Germany. Easy money was in the offing.
The problem was too many got into the business. Most involuntarily, the rest by choice. Of the 400,000 present day prostitutes, 300,000 are estimated to have come from Eastern Europe. Primarily Romania and Bulgaria. Most  brought into Germany by unscrupulous pimps who had now become legitimate businessmen. Promises were made that the young ladies would have a better life. Lies, of course. They unknowingly were forced into prostitution when they arrived. Threats and beatings became commonplace to keep the women in line.
Where economics is involved, matters come down to supply and demand. Legality brought with it the tremendous influx of new ladies to the profession. As evidenced by the 400,000 prostitutes presently in Germany.
Today, there are 3,000 brothels in Germany. Five hundred in Berlin alone. It is estimated that 1.2 million men pay for sex daily.
With so many women available, competition became cut throat. Prices for sex services suffered. They dropped. Dramatically. In 2002, the charge for oral sex and intercourse was 40 euros. Fifty four dollars American money. Today, 10 euros. Thirteen dollars American money. In many instances, less than 10 euros. Whatever a lady can get.
A buyer's market.
Package deals have come into play. There is a twelve story brothel in Cologne. Every floor and every room occupied by a working girl who must be kept busy. Hi rises are common in the German brothel business. The Cologne one offers the customer all the sex and all the alcohol he wants for as long as the customer wants it. For 50 euros.  Roughly $65 American money. Another in a different city offers all the sex the customer can handle in one visit for 50 euros. These prices include multiple companions.
Germany has also become known as the discount sex capital of the world. Obviously.
Tour promoters from other countries, including the United States, offer six day packages. Business is booming. Thailand formerly had the distinction of being the sex capital. Germany has outdistanced Thailand because of it cheap prices.
Big business requires marketing to continue successfully. Brothel operators offer all sort of incentives. An afternoon discount for men 66 or older. A 20 per cent discount to the unemployed. Day passes. Rebates to golfers. Flat rates. Flat rates being the one price for all services for as long as desired described herein before.
Prostitutes have been left behind. Those whose lives were to have been enriched by the 2002 law. There are no contracts, pension or medical plans. The ladies are subjected to significantly more abuse than before.
Business is tough. Brothel operators have become tough. The girls are required to service more men per day. Whereas most used to do 10 men per day, the number is now 20 or 40, depending on the brothel involved. Unbelievable! In the infrequent times they are not working, the ladies are kept crowded in small single rooms with one bed. No toilet facility, except down the hall.
Germany and the municipalities are not suffering, however. They are getting rich tax wise.
Germany's federal government taxes a prostitute's income. Brothel operators are also taxed. A flat rate per prostitute per day. Twenty five to 30 euros. Note per day.
The municipalities also tax. Acceptable conduct in the taxing world.
All this amounts to triple taxation. Not double taxation.
The tax flow dollars are tremendous. No source could be discovered  which measured the federal government's take. However, information was available indicating the tax income of certain municipalities. Astronomical!
Not everyone is inclined to voluntarily pay taxes. Tax avoidance is a universal game at every level and profession. Bonn was concerned the street walkers were not paying. Without  a brothel operator or pimp, it was difficult to compel voluntary payment.
Bonn put in automated pay stations on the streets. Like parking meters. Each street walker is required to deposit 6 euros a night. Nine dollars American money. Police keep tabs on the ladies. They cannot be arrested for prostitution as it is legal. They can however be fined for not having their 6 euro receipt.
Bonn's cost for each meter was $11,575 American money. The number speaks for itself as to the tax dollars involved.
The Bonn street walkers are incensed. They consider the meter double taxation.
Bonn does provide a service. It has constructed large wood garages where the ladies can take their customers to do the deed in the privacy of a customer's car.
The thrust of this article is not that prostitution is legal in Germany. It is legal in other places. Nevada, Amsterdam, and Sweden for example. The thrust is to show another example of how Germany came up with a brilliant idea to help a  certain class. The help did not materialize. Never the less, Germany benefited. The class walked away empty handed. In worse condition than before.
Germany did it with the euro union. It has done it again with the prostitutes.
Please Germany, no more brilliant ideas! No ideas! You are bad news!

Saturday, July 6, 2013


The world is in turmoil. Much is happening. I want to comment on some of the events occurring. Reflect on them country by country, area by area. Starting with Egypt. Followed by Venezuela, Thailand, Washington, DC, Africa, and Greece. Ending with our beloved Florida.

Egypt is in revolt again. Demonstrations and protests ongoing. Morsi out. Monsour in. The Egyptian Army controlling events, as it has for several decades.

Mubarak was ousted last year. He had been a staunch friend of the United States for years. Even supported Israel. Did the United States support Mubarak when his government was threatened? Absolutely not.

Instead the United States turned its back on their loyal friend of many years. Hillary Clinton cried out that democracy had to be supported and Mubarak should resign. Many  Washington governmental leaders agreed. All thought it wonderful that democracy was finally coming to Egypt. After all, Mubarak was nothing but a tyrant.

At the time, I spoke out on my television/internet show the Key West Lou Legal Hour that the United States should stand with Mubarak. He was and had been our friend. His track record proved the same. 

further stated that in Mubarak the United States knew what it had. Whoever the new leader would be, there was no certainty he would continue the Egypt-United States relationship that had existed for years.

Finally, I said why push a genuine democratic form of government on a people that might not want one. People live in different ways. Such must be respected.

Mubarak got overthrown. He is in jail awaiting the outcome of his appeal regarding his conviction on less than valid charges. Morsi was his replacement. He was a tool of the far religious right. The Muslim clergy were in actual control. Not what the people expected. The demonstrators returned. Morsi was ousted last week.

Now comes Monsour. At the time of my preparation of this column, the United States has publicly acted in quiet fashion. I assume our leaders have learned how easy it is to burn one's fingers in such a situation.

The Egyptian Army stepped into the fray last week. The Army deposed Morsi and replaced him withMonsour.

Many are unaware that for several decades, it was and is the generals who run Egypt. Egypt's leaders serve at their behest. The Army is the power behind the throne.

Now to Venezuela.

We take for granted the simple things in life. Those things we have every day and never think of being without. Venezuela has been experiencing an eye opening revelation regarding being without that which is simple. And unquestionably necessary.

Toilet paper.

Venezuela needs 125 million rolls of toilet paper a month. For some reason, in the past few months there is a shortage of toilet paper. Simply put, there ain't any! One woman complained it took her two weeks to find a roll.

Necessity generally controls events. Kimberly-Clark Corp. manufactures toilet paper. Prior to the shortage, they were manufacturing toilet paper at a facility in Venezuela. Because of the shortage, Kimberly-Clark has agreed to make a $37.1 million additional investment in Venezuela. They have agreed to build another plant.

The problem/scarcity continues. People are having to make do until the new plant rolls out the toilet paper needed.

Why didn't Kimberly-Clark build the new plant earlier? They had to foresee the shortage. They were in the business.

Something amiss here?

The Catholic Church has had and continues to have its problems in the United States and world wide. Especially regarding their priests who molested young boys. The question arises as to whether other religions have similar problems. Not necessarily pedophilia. Yet activities that do not reflect well upon a religious group.

Thailand is the place! Buddhist monks the culprits! Those generally bald headed, long robed, sandal footed, and non communicative men of their god, Buddha.

Buddhist monks are involved in what has been deemed inappropriate behavior. Such as wearing stylish aviator eyeglasses, traveling with luxury brand name bags, wearing wireless headphones to listen to music. Those are the mild things. Also included in the accusations were consuming alcohol, extorting money, driving sport cars, and having sex with women.

For shame. 

What has happened to God's/Buddha's representatives on earth?

On to Washington, DC and Africa.

The President recently made an official African trip. I think it was wonderful! Engaging with emerging African leaders has long been overdue.

The cost of the trip is not finalized. It was projected to be between $60 million and $100 million. It costs a lot of money to transport a President. Staff in the hundreds, several airplanes, secure automobiles, etc. I understand.

What I do not understand is why I and and everyone else cannot visit the White House. Specifically, take a White House tour. Sequestration has cut off the funding.

It cannot cost anywhere near what it cost for the President to visit Africa. And is just as important! Mothers, fathers, children, visitors and Louis should be able to see the house the President lives in.

What really galls my butt is Congress. The first week into sequestration, they got all excited. They were going home Friday. Sequestration had cut airline controllers. Passenger delays were projected at three hours. Congressmen did not want to wait three hours. Our a__hole leaders who cannot get anything done in a timely fashion, in a matter of hours passed a law rescinding the controller portion of sequestration. Even more galling, Obama signed it.

And I and thousands of others could not visit our taxpayer supported President's house. 

Greece. Poor Greece. I am in Greece for five weeks at the present time. I have already spent a few days in Greece's capital, Athens. I was in Athens and Greece about the same time last year.

Things have not changed. Merely gotten worse. More stores closed. More begging on the streets. More unemployment. More fathers who cannot feed their families. More young college graduates with out work.

I wandered through two major demonstrations in front of Parliament last year. 
The people were aroused. Hated Germans. Hated their political leaders.

Greeks are a simple people. Truly. Americans are miles more sophisticated. The Greeks leave government to those they elect. The people would rather work not too hard, enjoy their families, and sing and dance in their free time. They have not been involved. Till now. And still only in a protesting fashion.

Last year I pointed out that Germany had the distinction of having started World Wars I and II. I thought they might be the cause of a third World War. The war would begin in Europe. All over the euro situation. Forget the Middle East.

My present trip causes me to adjust my thinking a bit. War will not come first. Revolution will. The fathers and college students and everyone else have had it.
The pot brews. Soon perhaps to boil over.

Greece could be in the calm before the storm. Last year they were yelling and screaming and complaining. This year their dispositions are different. They are calm. They say we listened to the government. They were wrong. We have been downtrodden before. We survived. We will survive again. We will do what is necessary.

That necessary could include civil unrest. The overthrow of the government.

Germany will come second. Greeks hate Germans vehemently. They believe Germany could ease their pain. Germany refuses. That then brings to their minds.....Germans are no good. Look what they did to us in World War II.  Germany occupied Greece during World War II. Atrocities galore.

Last but not least is beloved Florida.

Pot pipes. There is a new law.

The first conviction for possession a pot pipe is a misdemeanor. The second, a felony. Jail time can be involved. 

My problem with the law is that with the second conviction, a person loses his or her right to vote. A basic right.

Governor Scott supported the bill big time. It has become popularly known as the Bong Bill.

Lets bring Walgreen into the picture.

Walgreen recently had a problem with Oxycontin pills. A big item in the illegal drug market. Supposed to be used as a pain killer. Can only be obtained with a prescription. Drug users have taken to it. It is claimed Oxycontin gives a high similar to heroin. The pills are addictive.

The pills are in high demand. Improper and/or illegal steps have been taken to make the supply available to drug users.

Somewhere along the line, Walgreen got involved. Specifically how I do not know. I am not saying Walgreen's actions were illegal. However, Walgreen recently agreed to pay a $80 million fine for its involvement.

$80 million is a drop in the bucket to Walgreen. A recent news article stated Walgreen's quarterly sales were $16.5 billion.

My problem is that the little guy gets screwed again and the big guy gets a slap on the wrist. Take the two time pipe carrying offender and take away from him the right to vote. Take a major corporation such as Walgreen and fine them. Remove none of their rights or abilities.

I consider this another too big to prosecute situation.

Both scenarios grossly unfair.

Reflect is the word. Think about these things.