Monday, September 16, 2013


Syria continues to be a mess. It may be one for many years. There is one person who is pulling the strings, calling the shots. He is the man behind the scenes, a manipulator. 
It is not Obama. Nor is it Putin or Assad. It is Saudi Arabia's Prince Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud. A big name for a big man!
A bit of history first regarding Prince Bandar's background.
He is 64 years old.
His father was of royal lineage. His mother a commoner. Actually, a concubine. She and her son were ignored by the royal family till Prince Bandar was 11 years old. At that time, his mother and he were permitted to move into the royal palace to live.
Prince Bandar's education was English and American. He is a graduate of the Royal Air Force College Cranervell. He trained as a jet fighter pilot. He later received additional training at the Maxwell Air Force Base and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. He received a Masters in International Studies from John Hopkins University.
His diplomatic career began in 1978 when he was assigned to Washington, D.C. Overnight, he became a favorite of Presidents, Congressmen and Washington luminaries. In 1978, he was appointed Saudi Arabia's Ambassador to the United States. During his diplomatic career, his influence was in constant ascendancy. He served during the terms of five Presidents, ten Secretaries of State, and eleven National Security advisors. His relationship with Bush 1 was so close that Prince Bandar was described as being a member of the President's family.
Prince Bandar continued as Ambassador till 2005. Since he was first appointed to  the post in 1983, his tenure lasted 23 years. In each of the 23 years, he acquired more influence and more clout.
In 2005, Prince Bandar became Secretary General of Saudi Arabia's National Security Council. In 2012, he was appointed Director General of the Saudi Intelligence Agency by King Abdullah himself.
Prince Bandar continued and continues as a person of great influence during his Security/Intelligence years. He frequently meets with senior U.S. officials. Many visited him in Saudi Arabia. Not all the trips were public knowledge.  Some were silent and never disclosed.
Personal antidotes of the Prince includes traveling where ever in a very large Airbus A-340. He owns an estate in England. He built a 32 room mansion in Aspen at a cost of $135 million. He is a cigar smoker, drinker and party man. He wears European clothes as often as possible.
A man of power, a man of influence. Undoubtedly.
In late 2012, Saudi intelligence, functioning at the direction of Prince Bandar, began efforts to convince the U.S. that Assad was using chemical weapons.
The Wall Street Journal this past August reported that Prince Bandar had been appointed to lead Saudi Arabia's efforts to topple Syrian President Assad.
Also in August, the Mint Press News claimed Prince Bandar had supplied chemical weapons to Assad's opposition, the rebels.
Money, easily available money, comes into play. In the early 2000s, it is claimed an Al-Yamamaharms deal was concluded. Billions of dollars were involved. It is claimed Prince Bandar has been freely using certain of those funds to  finance Saudi Arabia's security activities.  The monies found their way into 2 Saudi Washington Embassy accounts, Saudi government accounts, and royal family accounts. It was alleged that Prince Bandar was using these funds to accomplish Saudi Arabia's ends. An investigation arose. In 2009, Prince Bandar retained former FBI Director Louis Fresh to represent him.
Obviously, Saudi Arabia wants Assad out and certain rebel factions in. At some point, it is claimed a covert campaign began to support the rebels with money and arms. It is claimed that CIA funds were funneled through Prince Bandar to the rebels. CIA involvement cannot be verified as the CIA is not required to divulge how it spends money allocated to it.
At the same time, Prince Bandar was pushing Congress and the Obama administration to expand the U.S. role in Syria. Congress and the President were being told that Assad was responsible for chemical attacks.
Many believe the AL-Qaeda rebel faction used chemical weapons and it was blamed on Assad. The Russians are not the only ones who are of this opinion. Whoever, whatever, assuming the chemicals were supplied to AL-Qaeda rebels directly or indirectly by Saudi Arabia, Prince Bandar has attempted to pull the wool over the eyes of the world. Including many in Congress and President Obama.
Prince Bandar's power and abilities have been described as wasta.....under the table clout. The and arms. He has been able to arrange for both to find there way  to whom ever and where ever is in the best interests of Saudi Arabia. Including the Syrian rebels.
What is the bottom line here? What is going on? Who, what and why are the motivating factors? 
Oil. Oil, oil, oil.
Saudi Arabia is purportedly our friend. Yet 15 of the 19 persons directly responsible for 9/11 were Saudi Arabians. Not much was ever made of this. Gasoline prices continue to be sky high in the United States. A good chunk of the oil imported comes from our friend Saudi Arabia. Why haven't the Saudi's done something to bring the price down? That should be what friends are for.
Syria has miles and miles of pipelines through which Saudi Arabia moves its petroleum product. Saudi Arabia needs the use of those  pipe lines. Syria also has tons of natural gas yet untapped.
Russia is a player. Russia's major export is gasoline. It represents 70 per cent of Russia's income. Russia needs the same pipelines to transport its petroleum product.
Russia has been using for years the Syrian port of Tartus to move its product from Russia to Syria and then to the pipelines and other seaports. The loss of the Tartus seaport to the Russians would be disastrous.
Approximately six weeks ago, Prince Bandar visited Putin in Moscow. He tried to convince Putin to abandon support of Assad. In return, Prince Bandar would guarantee that the seaport of Tartuswould remain in Russian hands as it has. Additionally, Prince Bandar made it clear that the Olympics would not be tampered with. Putin never thought the games would be.
Prince Bandar explained Chechen terrorists, who were under Prince Bandar's control, would not disrupt the Sochi games. There would be no bombings, fires, attacks, killings, etc. It was reported Putin's response was a firm Nyet. No!
China is another player. Though merely on the perimeter. and probably smart enough not to get directly involved. China needs oil. Big time. In 2011, China and Saudi Arabia entered into a deal. Involved were investments and arms. The deal places China silently on the side of Saudi Arabia.
Russia in the meantime is seeking out friends of its own. It was recently announced that Russia was selling Iran some super doper missiles and also would be helping in the development of another nuclear reactor in Iran.
The petrodollar rules! Oil is the underlying current in all of this.
Prince Bandar is the leader of the band. He is a pied piper and the U.S. is dancing to his tune. Rather than taking the lead.
Perhaps President Obama is correct. I do not see it.
What a mess!

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