Saturday, May 18, 2013


Syria is not where the United States wants its ground troops. We have had enough of Middle East wars. The United States is not prepared emotionally and economically for another Iraq or Afghanistan.
Syria's is a civil war. A religious one. Sunni versus Shia. Especially the Alawite segment of the Shia. Assad is an Alawite.
The war began in March 2011. Actually, it is the same war that has been fought for centuries. One religious faction against another.
The rebels are known as the Free Syrian Army. Extremist jihadis became involved on the side of the rebels. Now Al-Qaeda.
Both sides are guilty of horrific wrongdoing. No one is without sin.
President Assad's military beheads the opposition. Seems to be a Middle East way. The group also has no respect for the children of rebels. Their 2-11 year old's, male and female alike, are being gang raped by Assad's followers.
The rebels behead also.
Assad's men are generally beheaded when captured. Many times by rebel children. Rebel forces have young ones wield the sword.
Recently, a film appeared on the internet. It was all over the internet. Difficult not to view. It graphically depicted Abu Sakkor, a rebel leader, cutting the heart out of an opposition soldier and then eating it. The crowd could be heard cheering Sakkor in the background. Allahu Akbar.....God is Great!
Russia has recently come into the conflict big time. Not with foot shoulders. With very sophisticated anti-cruise missiles. The purpose of the missiles is to keep foreign ships away from the Syrian coast. Foreign vessels that might supply armaments to the rebels.
I suspect President Obama misspoke when he said if chemical weapons were being used by Assad that the United States would get involved. He may have to back off that statement. Fortunately, he is investigating thoroughly any claims that chemical weapons are being used. His caution is credible.
The old men in the United States Senate cry out for American involvement. We are compelled to help the rebels we are told. I say let those Senators be the first to land on Syrian soil. It is time we stop sending our young men and women to foreign shores to fight other people's battles.
There is a thrust to this article. It involves helping a people who behead and eat the hearts of their enemy. Not our kind of people. And if history is any teacher, some day those we help today will be our enemy and use the knowledge and weapons provided against us.
I must stay with the Senate's old men who cry for United States involvement. I wonder how they would feel the first time American troops are captured and beheaded. Do not say Americans will not be beheaded. They will. It is the way in the Middle East.
More importantly, what would the American people say?
Let's not get to that place. Stay out of Syria!

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