Saturday, February 16, 2013


The President in his State of the Union address suggested the minimum wage be raised to $9. The minimum wage is presently $7.25. The President asked that the new minimum wage be made in increments so the $9 figure would not be reached until 2015.
The next day the Republicans objected. Speaker Boehner said .....No way! It would raise salaries right down the line. Businesses would be forced to close.
What bull shit!
The facts and studies indicate a contrary result. Most economists agree Boehner is wrong. Dead wrong! Studies show only a minimal impact on a business where the minimum wage was raised. Not enough to put any emplyer out of business.
The need for an increase is obvious.The United States is now a country of the very rich and the working poor. The middle class is  basically gone. An adult working 40 hours a week at the present minimum wage of $7.25 earns approximately $15,000 per year. If the rate went ot $9 per hour, the salary would increase to approximately $18,000 per year.
Lets take that one worker and put him into a family of four. Father, mother, and two children. Husband and wife both work. Presently their combined gross salaries are $30,000. With the increase, it would go to $36,000. Both figures are below the poverty level. In other words, not enough for a family of four to live on.
I see the impact of a low hourly here in Key West. Most working persons in Key West are paid from $8.50 an hour to $12 per hour. Their gross earnings are in the $15,000 to $18,000 range. That is why four persons are required to join together to rent a two bedroom apartment to live in. Or a three bedroom house. They cannot afford to live alone. The rent and utilities need to be divided. Otherwise, they would sleep under the bridge with the other homeless.
I find it strange that those who must approve the increase to $9 earn much more. Our Congressmen are paid $174,000 a year. Plus free medical. The best medical policy available. The working poor have no medical insurance. They cannot afford it.
Lets examine some numbers.
In 1955, the minimum wage was $.75 per hour. In 2013, it is $7.25. An increase of $6.50 over 58 years. The minimum wage has increased $.12 an hour over each of the 58 years.
For shame!
Back in 1955 when the minimum wage was $.75, most corporate CEOs earned between $40,000 and $70,000 a year. Few, if any, made over $100,000. Today corporate CEOs have earning packages in the $10 million to $40 million dollar range. And they and their Congressmen would deny the working person a minimum wage of $9 per hour!
The rightousness and morality in all of this escapes me.

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