Thursday, November 22, 2012


Recently in the Pakistani administered town of Kotli, 15 year old Anusha was murdered by her parents. Anusha and her parents were Pakistani. They also were Muslims.
Anusha's perceived wrongdoing was she would turn her head to look at boys. Such conduct was viewed by her parents as bringing shame upon the family. Dishonor.
Her parents were 53 and 42. Anusha had six brothers and sisters, all under the age of 10.
Anusha's mother threw acid on her. The intent was that the acid would result in Anusha's death. It did. Two days later.
The reports were unclear as to whether Anusha received  medical attention. Most suggest none. She was left on a cot or the floor in her home to die. A slow agonizing death over forty eight hours. The reports indicate the parerts had no money to pay a doctor. I came across one report that indicated  Anusha received  medical attention after 24 hours.
In the Muslim world, such deaths are known as honor killings. A daughter's death upholds  family honor. Family honor is viewed as more important than the life of the daughter.
Some areas of Pakistan have begun frowning on honor killings. Anusha's home town is one of them. Her parents have been arrested for murder.
Anusha's case is not an isolated one. In the year 2011, there were 943 honor killings in Pakistan. Only 20 of the 943 young women killed received medical attention. Even worse, in many situations the daughter was subjected to rape and gang rape before being murdered.
Why do these killings occur? Why do Muslim parents feel compelled to murder for honor's sake a young daughter?
I thought it might be required by the dictates of the Quran. Turns out, honor killings are not. Honor killings are the result of man made law. Muslims are a male dominated society. Women are considered possessions. Over the years, the custom of honor killings has developed.
The Quran is to the Muslim what the Bible is to the Christian. In both instances, man made law has developed which is not to be found in the written word of each religion. Difficult interpretations have arisen. Honor killings being one.
Do not think that honor killings are limited to Pakistan or a Muslim nation. Muslims are immigrating to European nations and  North America. Honor killings have been documented in Europe and Canada. I am not aware of any honor killings in the United States.
I have written this piece for awareness purposes. Muslims are immigrating in effect to the four corners of the earth. They bring with them their old world customs and religion. Neither should be a problem. But where the Muslim is concerned, they are.
The Muslim comes to a new country and wants to live by the old country's rules. They want the new country to enforce  criminal and civil law based on the Quran and what they believe the Quran says. Besides honor killings, that would include stoning a woman to death for adultery, cutting a person's hand off for stealing, making it easy for a man to divorce, making it difficult for a woman to divorce. And so on.
Such is called Sharia law. I have written and spoken of the dangers of Sharia law for several years. Generally, my words fall on deaf ears. Americans do not want to believe that any one coming to this country would want to live under the old laws. But, they do.
The message is beware! Be vigilant. Be concerned.

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