Thursday, March 8, 2012


I have warned of Sharia law before. In writing and on my Internet show. The message has always been the same: Beware!
Sharia law is Islamic law. It is the law that controls and directs the lives of Muslims. Sharia law is based on Mohammed's words. His words are set forth in the Quaran which is the Muslim bible.
Muslims are departing the Middle East and north Africa in droves. They are immigrating to European nations and the United States primarily. When they settle in the United States, for example, they are unwilling to be governed by the civil and criminal laws of their new country. They want to be governed by their owns laws. Those set forth in the Quaran. Civilly and criminally. The Muslims/Islamics claim this their right under the United States Constitution which requires freedom of religion.
Interesting, isn't it, that the Muslims/Islamics do not wish to be governed by the laws of the United States, and yet invoke our country's most basic law, the Constitution, in support of their claim.
Another way of viewing the situation is that these people want the benefits provided by the United states, but do not wish to be bound by those laws which make the benefits possible.
Keep in mind that Sharia law calls for the stoning to death of a married woman who commits adultery, the cutting off of a thief's hand, permits a husband to divorce by merely saying to his wife three times I divorce you, does not provide the wife a similar benefit, requires wives who wish to divorce to go to court and trial, prohibits women from driving, does not give women the right to vote, requires women to dress in long loose robes with their faces entirely covered except for the eyes, and more.
Few Americans are concerned with the problem. They either do not understand or erroneously believe it could not happen here.
I am one of the few who is concerned.
Now for an example of Sharia law being applied in a United States court.
The place is Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. The time last Halloween. The event the annual Halloween parade.
Ernie Perce is an atheist and activist. Though both of these factors have nothing to do with the bottom line of this column.
Perce and a friend were marching as zombies in the parade. Perce a zombie of Mohammed. His friend a zombie of the Pope. If they were making a statement, they were exercising their right of free speech.
Talaag Elbayomy was watching the parade. He is a Muslim. He attacked Perce.
Elbayomy was arrested for assault and whatever.
The Judge was a Judge Martin. Judge Martin is an Iraqi war veteran. He served the United States in that conflict. Judge Martin since the war has converted to Islam.
Judge Martin threw the case against Elbayomy out. He invoked Sharia law in so doing. He said Elbayomy was obligated to attack Perce because of his culture and religion. Any one who mocks or makes fun of Mohammed is subject to such attack per Islamic teachings.
Judge Martin in effect found that Perce, the man assaulted, was the perpetrator of the event and Elbayomy, the one committing the assault, the innocent victim. Judge Martin basically said that Sharia law trumped the Pennsylvania criminal law. The Judge even found a constitutional ground to justify his position. He said in effect that the First Amendment does not permit people to provoke other people. A new one to me.
I warned this would happen. I believe it is the third time it has occurred in some United States court.
Judge Martin should have recused himself. That means refuse to hear the case and have it assigned to another judge. Judge Martin had an obvious conflict of interest. His religion precluded him from rendering a fair and unbiased decision.
Judge Martin may also have abused his judicial obligations under the Constitution and laws of Pennsyvania, as well as the Constitution of the United States.
My position has remained the same since beginning to write and discuss the subject. If a person does not want to be governed by our laws, go home! Plain and simple. Different rules for different folks will not work. We all must live under and abide the same set of laws. Otherwise, chaos.

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