Sweden is a Scandinavian country in northern Europe. Its capital and largest city is Stockholm. Until recent years, Sweden was considered one of the best run governments in the world. Not any longer. Muslim immigration in recent years has dramatically altered the Sweden of yesterday.
Sweden has always opened its doors to everyone. Especially the oppressed. It is the nature of the Swedish people.
An example is how Sweden handled a Jewish problem during World War II. Sweden remained neutral during the war. Befriended both sides, however. The Allies got air bases on Sweden soil. The Germans were able to use Swedish railroad lines.
Sweden's neighbor Denmark was occupied by the Germans. Eight thousand Jews were rounded up to be sent to concentration camps. Sweden worked things out so the 8,000 were permitted to enter Sweden and the safety it provided. So too with Norwegian Jews.
In addition to rescuing the Jews, Sweden has had a long history of tolerance and respect for the rights of others. Its borders have always been open. Everyone welcome. Sweden considered itself a utopia of multi-culturalism. Immigrants knew they were welcome.
Immigration began getting out of hand in 2004, however. And has continued to this day. Muslims in droves immigrated to Sweden from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia. Well in excess of a half million. There were and are not enough jobs for the Muslim immigrants.
The Muslims believe there are a sufficient number of them to demand social changes. They want what they want. Changes that fit into their life style. Streets riots have become common place. Motivated by what the Muslims view as a growing inequality.
People who immigrate to a new country normally take up the life style and ways of that country. Not the Muslims. Not in Sweden or any where else. They protest and fight for the ways of the old country they left.
Muslims for example want to be governed by their own law. Sharia law. Criminally and civilly. The kind that stones a person to death or cuts off a person's head, condones the rape of women. This is a problem in other countries as well that are experiencing an influx of Muslims. Today's democracies are their own worst enemies. They try to accommodate themselves to everyone. An impossible task.
Under the guise of religious freedom, the Muslim population received permission to erect their first mosque. Today there is a mosque called Fittja in Stockholm. Every Friday for 3-5 minutes, the bells ring calling the faithful to prayer.
Swedish Jews are under attack by the new Muslim population. The Quaran, imams, and mosques all preach the Jew is evil and against Allah. The Muslims are upset that the Swedish government is not addressing what they perceive a problem.
Again, there is no assimilation. The Muslims do not desire it. They do want to increase their numbers, however. They recruit from jails and street gangs.
Food is involved. Muslims want halah food. Food cleansed by Islamic standards. They are getting it in Sweden. The path to the food desired was a simple one.
First, Muslims secure jobs where foodstuffs are prepared. When their working numbers become a force to be reckoned with, they pressure supermarkets to feature halah on their shelves. The pressure comes by way of threats, protests and the like.
Any non Islamic action offends Islam. Leading to threats and protests.
The United States is not he only nation whose flag is burned in Middle East. Swedish flags are also.
The Muslims insist that Sweden provide them with government enforcement of Muslim blasphemy laws. The want any criticism or insult to Islam to be punished under Sharia law.
Rape is big on the agenda. There is no respect for women. Stockholm is now regarded as the rape capital of the world. Quite a distinction. Sweden has the second highest number of rapes occurring world wide. It is projected that 1 out of 4 Swedish women will be raped. Seventy seven percent of the rape cases have Muslim immigrant involvement. The major increase in rapes parallels the major increase in Muslim immigration.
Sweden is not an American style melting pot. The Muslim immigrants practice their own medieval values.
Some believe Sweden is on its way to becoming a third world country. I do not believe so. The thought is too far out. Much afield. However, things are bad in Sweden. Recently bad which makes the situation all the more scary.
What is happening in Sweden is occurring in most other European nations. The Islamic goal is to control the world. All nations need to have a greater awareness when it comes to immigration. Yes, immigration is a problem. It takes different forms and peoples. Think how it impacts our national and state governments.
Immigration becomes a balancing act. We want our doors open to everyone. The give me your oppressed thing. On the other hand, we do not want our basic American values trodden upon. Vigilance is the key.
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