Sunday, January 13, 2013


Prostitution in Brazil is an odd bag. It is neither legal nor illegal. Therefore, prostitution is considered legal for all intents and purposes.
There are 1 million prostitutes in Brazil. Two hundred fifty thousand are children. This article is limited to adult prostitutes.
The 2014 World Football Cup is being held in Brazil. The world series of soccer.
One of the sites where World Football Cup activities will be conducted is Belo Horizonte.
Classes are being conducted in Belo Horizonte to prepare Brazilian workers for the influx of foreigners. Taxi drivers, bell hops, quick food workers, hotel workers and the like are attending these classes. The course runs six to eight months. English, Spanish, and correct Portuguese is being taught. Portuguese is Brazil's official language. Correct Portuguese is being taught because a large number of attendees are immigrants.
Prostitutes are also permitted to attend. In fact, they are encouraged.
The ladies are organized. They have a union/association. It is quite effective. The President recently said regarding the classes that they contribute to the dignity of the work performed. She was also of the opinion that the members would be better able to negotiate a fair price with foreigners after completing the course.
Prostitution is oddly viewed in Brazil. The government is generally helpful and at the same time disinterested.
Prostitution has official status. The Brazilian Ministry of Labor Official List of Occupations contains "sex worker."
Prostitutes can earn a federal pension. They are permitted to contribute to the official government pension fund. This makes the ladies eligible for federal pensions when they retire.
Brazil maintains a Labor and Ministry Primer for the Sexual Professional. A short how to do book. Tips and advice as to how to be a prostitute. Instructions such to be appealing, affectionate, use perfume, and offer the customer specialties.
The negative aspect of the government's support has to do with medical regulations. The health of the ladies is given no consideration. Such things as regular medical checkups are not required.
Although this article does not touch on the 250,000 child prostitutes, it should be recognized that Brazil has the largest number after Thailand. Not something to be proud of.
Why did I write regarding this subject? No particular reason. I did think the way Brazil handles its ladies of the night was interesting and informative. Especially when contrasted to the United States where prostitution is illegal and no benefits are available to the ladies.

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